Total entries
Player score
Player rank
Story [1.0]1853--
The Fall [1.0]8993--
The Tower [1.0]6807--
The Void [1.0]5137--
The Storm [1.0]2804--
The Ascension [1.0]1875--
Alpha Phoenicis [1.0]886--
Beta Centauri [1.0]355--
Gamma Lyrae [1.0]238--
Delta Corvis [1.0]206--
Epsilon Pegasi [1.0]193--
Zeta Aurigae [1.0]141--
Theta Cassiopeiae [1.0]112--
Eta Persei [1.0]118--
Iota Carinae [1.0]143--
Kappa Orionis [1.0]110--
Nicolas [1.0]120--
Clément [1.0]137--
Wandrille [1.0]95--
The Fall [1.0.1]8914--
The Tower [1.0.1]6133--
The Void [1.0.1]4406--
The Storm [1.0.1]2393--
The Ascension [1.0.1]1589--
Alpha Phoenicis [1.0.1]725--
Beta Centauri [1.0.1]274--
Gamma Lyrae [1.0.1]176--
Delta Corvis [1.0.1]147--
Epsilon Pegasi [1.0.1]150--
Zeta Aurigae [1.0.1]118--
Eta Persei [1.0.1]107--
Theta Cassiopeiae [1.0.1]93--
Iota Carinae [1.0.1]108--
Kappa Orionis [1.0.1]101--
Story [1.0.1]1463--
Clément [1.0.1]108--
Nicolas [1.0.1]83--
Wandrille [1.0.1]72--
The Fall74695--
The Tower47997--
The Void31908--
The Storm16120--
The Ascension10702--
Alpha Phoenicis4196--
Beta Centauri1576--
Delta Corvis850--
Gamma Lyrae1088--
Epsilon Pegasi876--
Zeta Aurigae705--
Theta Cassiopeiae529--
Eta Persei617--
Iota Carinae675--
Kappa Orionis544--

Leaderboards last synchronized on 02/11/2017, 17:34.
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