Judgement: Not Recommended

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  • Morlan's shorts:
I'll focus on the flaws and problems because in general and at the start it is a very well produced game, with great graphics-animations, sounds, music, ambient, environment, immersion.. it's all there! Well.. almost..
The main im-balance of the gameplay breaks this nice pattern. You'll play a few hours and will be overwhelmed at how well it's made and then when you get used to the beauty of the gameplay and immersion, you'll get tired of doing the same quests again^again to gather gold to be able to heal/de-stress your characters, to improve their gear and buy them skills and trinkets..only to lose them a bit too soon because of some bad die throw! A few bad RND (or RNG, I'm old-micro skool, go away!) dice in a row can wipe your entire team, that you spend hours building up. Just when you're starting to like your team -POOF- all gone down the cauldron! So there's no point giving them names (you can rename chars) only to lose them next turn. And if they survived to a high enough level so as to last longer, there's no point renaming them then because..they're grown ups now! So after a while you don't bother with names and attachments but just hire & grind. Levels, abilities and gear should amount for more but it doesn't feel like that. And those are the main issues of this game. Such grind..much random! The game would benefit from better/more loot from the quests so as to lessen the burden of grind and tolerate the randomness. When you loot 7-8k from a good run and need 9k to fix your characters..
It's a very good game otherwise but you have to know the caveats before paying the hefty price that it's asking.. So while I should recommend it, I'll leave this here for people to know the main issues.

Don't waste more time reading lengthy reviews.. time is of the essence!

Review posted on 24/12/2017, 04:52:00.