Judgement: Recommended

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Scanner Sombre is a walking simulator with a unique gameplay mechanic and a few misguided horror elements.

The LIDAR laser scatter is great for immersion. The game does one thing it shouldn't and that's the horror elements. It's ultimately not a horror game at all but it throws in a couple scripted horror elements just for the sake of it.

I've noticed this with other walking simulators. They feel the need to be a bit scary to (I assume) to appeal to the Amnesia/Slenderman crowd. Even Gone Home had a few scripted horror moments tossed in for no reason.

It's unfortunate in this game only because of the VR components they've added. This game would be the perfect game to introduce children to VR. The adventuring component is captivating and the mechanic of scattering laser dots across walls perfectly expresses depth. But the horror elements, miniscule as they are, are enough to discourage children from playing.

It's well worth the buy if you like immersive story driven games. If horror dissuades you, it's still worth a play.

The horror elements are very minor and nowhere comparable to a dedicated horror game like Outlast.

Review posted on 19/01/2018, 01:48:00.