Achieved | Achievement | % of players | Unlock date |
A FISTFUL OF STRAWBERRIES You harvested your first strawberries, now a word of encouragement from our sponsor SOMANTO. | 93.43% | 07/01/2021, 10:35:22 | |
PAYDAY You showed initiative by stealing one of the weapons from the research lab and cracked another safe. | 77.33% | 10/01/2021, 11:03:48 | |
THE FIRST HEALING The first planet HEART is healed. She is on her way to recovery and you can start feeling her love through your mechanical heart. | 61.08% | 10/01/2021, 11:25:25 | |
McSAMURAI You, your turret and your shuttle did not take any damage in an entire level. | 47.15% | ||
TRIAL BY SPAWNER You survived volcanoes, Spawners and dodged their offspring. Planet was right to chose you. | 47.01% | 12/01/2021, 08:26:11 | |
NO MORE BABY TALK Planet is healing, now her cognitive abilities are re-emerging... pfuuu. | 41.06% | 12/01/2021, 08:48:54 | |
SIGN IMMOLATION Never one to ask for directions you've burnt a hunder of those pesky signs which tried just telling you anyway. | 39.75% | 07/01/2021, 10:20:40 | |
Basetopia You deployed mobile power nodes. Now don't you go break our level designs. | 36.99% | 17/01/2021, 11:36:59 | |
FULLY OPERATIONAL From itty bitty doggy robot, to rail upgraded mobile battle station, give us a roar. | 26.26% | ||
CAPTURED MUTAGEL VAT You guiltlessly destroyed the SOMANTO "Tower of Terror" and captured a Mutagel Vat. | 19.73% | ||
HEALED THE PLANET You have healed your planet and she is happy now. But for for how long... | 17.84% | ||
CAPTAIN PLANET You have finished McDROID in normal. Now try CHALLENGE. | 15.38% | ||
FIRST NIGHTMARE You have achieved the impossible and won ONE nightmare level. Now time to go buy a new keyboard, and don't mind that SOMANTO van parked outside your building, we are not probing your brain. | 6.67% | ||
FIREFIGHTER With ninja-skills you've flipped all your turrets out of harms way - in CHALLENGE. Well done, you deserve a pat on the turret mount. | 6.38% | ||
STRAWBERRY PIGGY You farmed 1000 strawberries in one level of the campaign. Such farming super ability makes us salivate at the potential profit. | 5.22% | ||
GUMMY BEAR HAT You have survived the Gummy Bear level for 30 waves and you love Gummy Bears so here is your Gummy Hat. | 2.03% | ||
MCDROID SOULS You have finished the last level of the game in SOULS difficulty. | 1.89% | ||
TOUGHTANIUM UNDERPANTS SOMANTO's anabolic seem to be working for you. You have finished the game in Challenge, which is normally impossible. | 1.74% | ||
ANTI-SOMANTOISM You have purchased no turret in Challenge mode. Even if it were possible, it would be a lethal showcase of anti-consumerism. | 1.74% | ||
UZUMAKI DESKA ? You survived The Spiral for 50 waves of vertigo inducing madness. | 1.6% | ||
CHLOROPHYL ALLERGIES Completed "Magma Quarry" in CHALLENGE or NIGHTMARE without buying or deploying a single bliss engine or redwood. We applaud your anti-ecologism. | 1.45% | ||
LONELY TURRET You haven't used or revived a single turret in levels 3 and above on NORMAL. How is that even possible? | 1.31% | ||
ALL NIGHTMARE The SOMANTO agents knocking at your door agree, the intensity of your brainwaves could power one of their mining vessels. Enjoy your next job in a vat. | 1.31% | ||
FRIEND OF NIKOLA You have completed a level buying, picking up, reviving and deploying only Tesla coils. Now if only you could keep your tongue off the electric sockets... | 1.31% |