% of players
Unlock date
YesSpecial move

Use a Special Skill for the first time

98.11%22/07/2024, 05:03:17
YesSpeed start

First Race Win

86.49%22/07/2024, 05:11:07
YesA skill for everyone

Use special skill 10 times

76.27%22/07/2024, 05:12:41
YesGood to know!

Unlock the first STEM image

72.18%22/07/2024, 05:51:06
YesBlaaazing speed!

Step on a boost pad 30 times

68.53%22/07/2024, 05:24:27
YesJust the beginning

Finish The Tutorial

54.65%22/07/2024, 05:05:18
YesA champion is born

Win The first Championship

50.13%22/07/2024, 05:18:36
YesThe fastest of all

Win the First 10 Races

45.83%22/07/2024, 05:48:44
YesLet’s go!

Win The second Championship

36.68%22/07/2024, 05:30:51
YesWhat a race!

Win The third Championship

29.48%22/07/2024, 05:46:06
YesLike a scientist

Unlock all the STEM images

26.79%22/07/2024, 05:59:13
YesAwesome Adventure

Participate in Final Adventure

25.28%22/07/2024, 05:46:50
YesAxle City champion

Finish the Adventure

24.53%22/07/2024, 05:48:59
YesHappy time

Win a race in split screen

23.34%28/07/2024, 23:06:53
YesAll together

Play a 4 player split screen race

3.44%28/07/2024, 23:03:30


Achievements last synchronized on 08/09/2024, 04:42.