Total entries
Player score
Player rank
Longest Range Headshot92379147511362430
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Completion Time48509--
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Completion Time42274--
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Completion Time37128--
"Intel Operative Rescue" Fastest Completion Time23448--
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Completion Time35315--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Completion Time36368--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Completion Time30895--
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies13518--
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies6212--
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies4759--
"Intel Operative Rescue" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies7656--
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies4404--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies8499--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies24730--
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Marking of all Enemies44289--
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Marking of all Enemies29182--
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Marking of all Enemies27712--
"Intel Operative Rescue" Fastest Marking of all Enemies---
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Marking of all Enemies26308--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Marking of all Enemies34912--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Marking of all Enemies44091--
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)2826--
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)4328--
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)4378--
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)1836--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)4389--
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)7891--
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)3989--
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)9246--
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)4403--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)5597--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)3837--
Longest Range Headshot (tranq.)93540728419341403
Farthest Distance Enemy Sent Flying6816151576586306
Longest Two-Wheel Driving Time178499116105231
Fastest Cell-to-Chopper Paz Rescue48491--
Fastest Target Extraction of Both Targets14264--
Fastest Acquisition of Second Tape23853--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Collection of all Mines---
Fastest Collection of all Mines24991--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Erasing of all Markings---
Fastest Erasing of all Markings9750--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Completion of FOX Logos---
Fastest Completion of FOX Logos13982--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Extermination of all Rodents2811--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Extermination of all Rodents2343--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Extermination of all Crows5251--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Extermination of all Crows3501--
"Jamais Vu " Fastest Unlocking of all Doors---
Fastest Unlocking of all Doors21790--
Fastest Destr. of Wooden Watchtowers3441--
Fastest Shooting of all Moai3895--

Leaderboards last synchronized on 13/02/2019, 12:48.
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