Total entries
Player score
Player rank
High Score7--
Enemies Destroyed405488274366006
Operation Overlord134399--
Battle of the Hedgerows94851--
Battle of the Falaise Pocket84603--
Operation Market Garden77811--
Battle of the Bulge73677--
Battle of Hürtgen Forest62999--
Battle of Poland239762123651064
Battle of Sedan259556790479844
Battle of France189155--
Operation Barbarossa1545392890456727
Battle of Stalingrad1254961618753744
Battle of Kursk1093983767648536
Battle of the Falaise Pocket97050--
Battle of the Bulge62920--
Siege of Leningrad129688--
Battle of Moscow98197--
Battle of Stalingrad76672--
Battle of Kursk70240--
Fourth Battle of Kharkov63364--
Balaton Defensive Operation56259--
Battle of Berlin44724--
Frozen River13620--
Kursk (DLC)11806--
Operation Plunder53077--

Leaderboards last synchronized on 27/05/2019, 16:27.
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