Total entries
Player score
Player rank
Total treasure collected.7891533321
Real time to win (pre 7.1)19--
Turns to win (pre 7.1).19--
Number of Ice Diamonds collected.7702214386
Number of Spice collected.5627192965
Number of Rubies collected.533263743
Number of Mirror Shards collected (pre-10.0).1666--
Number of Hyperstones collected (v 4.x).26--
Number of Necromancer Totems collected.958--
Number of Elixirs of Life collected.3929122278
Number of Gold Pieces collected.5436271299
Number of Phoenix Feathers collected.4261201752
Number of Demon Daisies collected.636--
Number of Statues of Cthulhu collected.931--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v4.x).24--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v4.x).24--
Number of Orbs of Yendor collected (in a single game).203--
Number of Hyperstones collected.74--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v5.0).21--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v5.x)21--
Number of Ice Sapphires collected.374--
Number of Fern Flowers collected.1106--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v6.0)3--
Number of Royal Jellies collected.506--
Number of Powerstones collected.242--
Number of Silver nuggets collected.827--
Number of bottles of Wine collected.1135--
Number of Emeralds collected.576--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v6.0).3--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v6.2).7--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v6.2)7--
Number of Grimoires collected.640--
Number of Holy Grails collected.136--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v7.0)7--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v7.0).7--
Number of Red Gems collected.653--
Number of Pirate Treasures collected.886--
Total treasure collected, in the Shoot'em Up mode.782--
Time to win in the Shoot'em Up mode.20--
Knives to win in the Shoot'em Up mode.20--
Number of Bomberbird Eggs collected.1864--
Number of Ambers collected.216312153
Number of Pearls collected.818--
Real time to win (v7.1)155--
Turns to win (v7.1)154--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v7.1)3--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v7.1).3--
Number of Hypersian Rugs collected.2160--
Number of Garnets collected.2209--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v7.2)3--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v7.2).3--
Score at the Princess Challenge.20--
Number of Onyxes collected.145541274
Number of Elemental Gems collected.200--
Number of Ivory Figurines collected.1490--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v7.4)4--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v7.4).4--
Score in the Yendor Challenge.111--
Total score in the Pure Tactics Mode.565--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v8.0)7--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v8.0).7--
Number of Mutant Saplings collected.588--
Number of Fulgurites collected.737--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v8.1)2--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v8.1).2--
Total treasure collected, in the Shoot'em Up multiplayer mode.103--
Time to win in the Shoot'em Up mode (multiplayer).2--
Number of Black Lotuses collected (escape required).181--
Number of Mutant Fruits collected.270--
Number of White Dove Feathers collected.962--
Total score in the Pure Tactics Mode (shmup).473--
Total scores in the Pure Tactics Mode (two players shmup).466--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v8.2)2--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v8.2).2--
Number of Corals collected.1808--
Number of Thornless Roses collected.588--
Total treasures collected in the Chaos mode.167--
Number of Tortoise points.296--
Number of Dragon Scales collected.308--
Number of Apples collected.420--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v8.3)5--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v8.3).5--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v9.0)5--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v9.0).4--
Number of Sunken Treasures collected.337--
Number of pieces of Ancient Jewelry collected.161--
Number of Golden Eggs collected.116--
Total treasure collected, in the heptagonal mode.222--
Total treasure collected, in turn-based multiplayer.127--
Number of Treats collected in the Halloween minigame.442--
Number of Slime Molds collected.214--
Number of Amethysts collected.282--
Number of Dodecahedra collected.718--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v9.3).2--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v9.3)2--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v9.4).2--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v9.4)2--
Number of Spinels collected.308--
Number of pieces of Green Grass collected.310--
Number of Mirror Shards collected.1443--
Total treasure collected in the Orb Strategy Mode.1152--
Real time to win (Orb Strategy mode)14--
Turns to win (Orb Strategy mode)14--
Number of Ancient Weapons collected.427--
Number of Lava Lilies collected.471--
Number of Forgotten Relics collected.253--
Number of Turquoises collected.223322063
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v10.1).4--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v10.1).4--
Number of Tasty Jellies collected.679--
Number of Chrysoberyls collected.292--
Turns until finding 10 Hyperstones (v10.3).1--
Real time until finding 10 Hyperstones (v10.3).1--
Real time until findiing 10 Hyperstones (v11.0).6--
Tunrs until finding 10 Hyperstones (v11.0).6--
Score in the Racing mode.76--
Number of Meteorites collected.203--
Number of Torbernites collected.78--
Number of Tiger's Eyes collected.178--

Leaderboards last synchronized on 28/12/2019, 13:47.
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