Total entries
Player score
Player rank
Longest Range Headshot92379178115189204
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Completion Time48509--
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Completion Time4227424983010649
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Completion Time37128--
"Intel Operative Rescue" Fastest Completion Time23448--
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Completion Time353152372469084
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Completion Time36368--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Completion Time308954717495575
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies13518--
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies6212--
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies4759--
"Intel Operative Rescue" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies7656--
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies4404--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies8499--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Neutr. of all Enemies24730--
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Marking of all Enemies442899226052321
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Marking of all Enemies291828772593155
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Marking of all Enemies277129401294477
"Intel Operative Rescue" Fastest Marking of all Enemies---
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Marking of all Enemies263089521832207
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Marking of all Enemies349126538277378
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Marking of all Enemies440912459604202
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)2826--
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)4328--
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)4378--
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)1836--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Comp. Time (no weapons used)4389--
"GROUND ZEROES" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)7891--
"Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)3989--
"Classified Intel Acquisition" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)9246--
"Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)4403--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)5597--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Completion Time (stealth, no kills)3837--
Longest Range Headshot (tranq.)9354074678582696
Farthest Distance Enemy Sent Flying68161514657169066
Longest Two-Wheel Driving Time178499--
Fastest Cell-to-Chopper Paz Rescue48491--
Fastest Target Extraction of Both Targets14264--
Fastest Acquisition of Second Tape23853--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Collection of all Mines---
Fastest Collection of all Mines24991--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Erasing of all Markings---
Fastest Erasing of all Markings9750--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Completion of FOX Logos---
Fastest Completion of FOX Logos13982--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Extermination of all Rodents2811--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Extermination of all Rodents2343--
"DÉJÀ-VU" Fastest Extermination of all Crows5251--
"Jamais Vu" Fastest Extermination of all Crows3501--
"Jamais Vu " Fastest Unlocking of all Doors---
Fastest Unlocking of all Doors21790--
Fastest Destr. of Wooden Watchtowers3441--
Fastest Shooting of all Moai3895--

Leaderboards last synchronized on 06/08/2020, 10:05.
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