Judgement: Recommended

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This is a story about a constipated kleptomaniac, Anna, tripping on drugs and refusing to obey her elders. This causes much chaos and controversy around her. When a kind old lady takes Anna in for treatment to help her, Anna assumes the worst and projects her own dark thoughts on the this woman, treating her like a witch. Anna continues to experiment with drugs and objects throughout her story, stealing everything that is not nailed down, and defying expectations while weaving a tale of self-important heroism for herself.

Ultimately, as you come to realize what the story is really about you have very little patience left for this mental patient, Anna. She doesn't tug heartstrings, she tugs ropes. And strings. And cords. And lines. And levers. And handles. It's yet another point & click from Daedalic with no open ended solutions so there are many many hurdles in the game that when you leap over them after trying 50 different things you just want to scream, "how does that make more sense than xyz that I already tried?!" But hey, why make a great game when you can make more of these?

5/7 - Perfect

Review posted on 09/07/2018, 05:47:00.