Judgement: Recommended

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Fort Defense is very similar - it's basically a reskin, after all - to the other TD games in 8Floor's portfolio. However, I seem to find this game a lot more enjoyable than the others, mainly because it's challenging enough without handicapping you by not letting you know which path the creeps will take (unlike Iron Sea Defenders) and it keeps the need for manual targetting to a minimal (less micro-managing your towers).

The game can be extremely easy (to get 3 stars) if you play the chapters as they are intended (Chapter 1 easy -> normal -> hard -> chapter 2 easy -> normal -> hard... etc), making for a rather relaxing casual TD game, but if you want a challenge, try playing the levels in this order instead (Chapter 1 easy -> Chapter 2 Easy -> Chapter 3 easy... etc before heading back to Chapter 1 to play its normal or hard).

For a perfectionist TD player, you might really like Fort Defense mainly because it is possible to get 3 stars in your first playthrough if you're really careful. This is in stark contrast to 8Floor's other TD games where it is obvious the developers are forcing you to replay a previous level just to get those shiny 3 stars - skill or no skill, it doesn't really matter.

Due to this, I'd recommend Fort Defense over Iron Sea Defenders since both of them have a similar theme but overall, I think Fort Defense is a lot more enjoyable as a game. However, if you like a somewhat acceptable story to go with your TDs, then Gnumz might be a better choice because Fort Defense is just a typical TD game without much to offer aside from its gameplay.

Thanks to Reforced for the gift! :)

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Review posted on 20/01/2019, 01:27:00.