Judgement: Not Recommended

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This games feels rough and unfinish
Here are the problems I encountered with this game so far:
• There is clearly a problem with the text, it seems like if you keep the action button, the text scrolls faster, but also skip it at the same time. As a result, I missed several bits of texts here and there as it didn't appear on screen at all (and also at times because I don't have a super vision allowing me to read to lines on half a second).

• You need to press the key for running before pressing the key for left or right. If you press run after, it doesn't work.

• Since it's so complicated to press shift (or any other key you fancy as you can fortunately rebind) and keep is pressed while you keep pressed W or D at the same time, you end to constantly walk the same pace as me IRL. Aka WITH A WALKING STICK. That's how fast the character walk. No kidding.

• The control binding is horrendeous and you will certainly want to change it before even beginning to play. E is on action, space on inventory while.. You don't have to use the inventory since your character use the items automatically. Invert the two of them, I mean, you use the action ALL THE TIME to examine things, to use things, to every thing.
> As said earlier, running has to be pressed and you have to kept it pressed with the direction keys for actually running. Either make run a toggle, either don't offer the option at all, shift+A or shift +D will never ever feel natural (and the fact that you have to stop walking to then press shift + direction shouldn't be allowed, even for a 2014 game). Come on man, you made a toggle for the torchlight, just do the same for running, it's not like you cannot do it now since you have 2 other games out (*wink* *wink*)
> To add salt to injury a part of the actions are binded to the mouse. Why. You need the mouse to move the torchlight up and down, ok, I can accept that.. But why do we need it to move in the inventory ? Why does the inventory doesn't show any item at all unless you click on the little arrow when this one is available ?

• All those stuff make it complicated to play on a controller. I tried. I'll try to fiddle a little more with my configuration before sharing it (maybe making it possible to toggle the stupid run ?), but you STILL have to add the mouse control on a the right stick or you cannot move in the menu or use the inventory. Quite dumb.

Achivements & Cards:
Even though people are asking for those since the launch of the game in 2014, there are no achivements to this game.
In 2015, the dev pulled the "this game doesn't sell enough, I'll see if I can add achievements and cards when I'll launch new games." card to explain why he wouldn't add those to this game for now. Two games and an ignored topic later, there is still no achievements to this game (but cards have been added in between).
What bothers me is more the excuse and the fact that the dev just abandonned this game more than the lack of achievements.

The developper needs to show up and answers to people requests either positively or simply stating that the game will remain as it is.
The game could be more appealing with better control and a toggle for the run (as it is for the torchlight) and the inventory being a toggle as well so you can simply use the direction and action buttons to go through it.
I don't know man, I played "The Cat Lady" and "Downfall" right before this and they got before this game that walking pace and controls are super important in games where you have to walk a lot back and forth.

So long those those problems aren't fixed (and certainly won't be), I can't recommend this game unless you're on for a slow slow slow experience. The game in itself isn't bad, but the controls completely ruin it.

Review posted on 10/08/2019, 11:55:00.