Judgement: Not Recommended

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This is a hard one to grade. Fall of Light has an awesome OST and great visuals, but misses the mark as a Souls-lite. Whereas in Dark Souls you're primarily fighting enemies repeatedly until you learn the best way to take them down, in Fall of Light you're fighting iffy hit detection and controls that sometimes don't respond.

At just over four hours in, I'm on my 33rd overall "rebirth" and essentially trapped just past the first boss. Thanks to weird save spot / respawn location choices you must replay a decent chunk to escape the current area complete with a half dozen enemies. The real interesting bit is where said enemies continually zerg rush me once I free the little girl, yet when I was coming into this area initially they only attacked in pairs once I came into their line of sight. I've now been at it for more than 90 minutes in this spot and am seriously considering throwing in the towel, seeing a completed hit yet it not registering on an enemy multiple times before each death of my character is super disheartening.

Worth a peek if you end up with it from a bundle, Fall of Light: Darkest Edition overstays its welcome with technical issues and an iffy save system. Not recommended.

Review posted on 07/10/2020, 16:17:00.