Judgement: Recommended

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I got this game and invited a friend via Remote Play Together to play a bit. We both had great fun straight away, he ended up buying it the following day so he could play it with his sister.

I invited another friend the next day and he bought it after that to play with his nephews, since it is a wonderfully innocent game and easy to learn.

So much for how quickly you can get hooked on Unrailed! :)

The other day the three of us played together and had so much fun via voice chat while discussing strategies, mining, cutting down trees, planning the perfect route, hoarding loads of rails, picking up extra bolts and focusing on fulfilling the bonus condition - only to watch the inevitable ball of fire as our train crashes into the mountain because we forgot to lay the track out in time.

The game is very easy to pick up and while it may not have the depth of chess, it is worth noting that you will quickly develop strategies once you realise some basic principles.
And while the Queen's Gambit may be a dynamite opening for chess games, you can use actual dynamite in Unrailed! Just saying...

P.S.: While also enjoyable alone, it is tremendously more fun to play with your friends. Or against them ...

Review posted on 27/11/2020, 10:26:00.