Judgement: Recommended

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I've been curious about Sokpop's tiny games, which are funded through Patreon and released once a month. This is a great entry point to their work, a bite-sized time-travel puzzle adventure which as others have pointed out plays similarly to Majora's Mask. You're encouraged to pay attention to the routines of all the adorable little animal residents on a small island and use your observations to avert a disaster scheduled for the end of the day.

The movement and platforming are a little unpolished and can therefore get frustrating (or be useful for speedrunners looking for shortcuts, as the guides will attest). Happily, platforming isn't used very often, and it isn't too difficult to figure out what to do for each puzzle. The crow you appear to be teamed up with on some sort of secret mission will drop hints throughout the first portion of the game as you try to figure out what exactly is going on in the town. Due to being on a volcanic island, the town also has a fun tide mechanic you need to work around, which can reveal new parts of the map as it lowers or allow new places to be swum to as it rises.

Overall, a fun little puzzler well worth its <$4 asking price.

Review posted on 03/01/2023, 14:06:00.