Judgement: Recommended

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The Game that saved the franchise
It is basically a FPS game.In Doom is about a marine (also known by the Demons of Hell as the Doom Slayer, the Unchained Predator, or the Hell Walker) locked in hell by demons that would explain the gore fest breaks free and kills demons that stand in his path.

1.Nice gameplay.it feels smooth while shooting and moving
2.Good optimisation
3. The gory kills are a welcome addition
4.Way better than the last game.

1.The story is okay but you can't expect much in this type of game
2.Nothing more to say

After the last doom game I didn't get my hopes up but boy did it deliver. I can say that this is one of the best game that come out in 2016.So I can confidently say to you guys that this game is worth the buck you spend.

Review posted on 23/11/2017, 04:45:00.