Judgement: Not Recommended

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This game is...a poor man's version of Sid Meier's Pirates, with upgraded graphics. There's no real RPG element, nothing is explained well, and combat feels like a boring loop shooting the best cannonballs you have. The artifacts are an interesting twist, but they don't change combat much since they're aren't counterable, so all they add is some extra damage.

Some things I've encountered:

Friendly ships attacking my while I'm trying to do a quest. Friendly as in I'm flying their flag. Multiple times

Being forced into combat when the enemy ship is not even within sight.

A quest that stole 5000 gold without asking or really explaining what was going on, or telling me what I was actually gonna get out of it.

Right now, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. I'll be playing a bit more and I'll update if I find some huge redeeming quality.

EDIT: Just an update with another confusing quest. A mission from the Kingdom to escort a ship. I fight and kill about six or seven pirate ships. Then all the sudden, nope, you're on the pirates side now. Even though you're flying a Kingdom flag. I had no choice in the matter.

Review posted on 09/12/2017, 12:07:00.