Judgement: Recommended

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Quite a fun single player strategy game (2 games in 1!) with a bit of "one more turn" appeal. The race against the clock (Doomsday counter) to defeat the Sorcerer King in SK isn't too stressful at all while SK: Rivals is more of your typical 4X. Graphics and music are above average. Combat is turn based strategy with initiative queueing. Some diversity in choosing and customizing your starting champion and hero but not all of them are equally viable on harder difficulty settings. Building your army is initially less reliant on your city production and more of questing. Nice touch to equip your army with crafted and enchanted weapons, armor and rings. SK: Rivals adds 2 more factions other then the usual human variant factions to help replayability. Hoping that Stardock will keep updating this game and open it to modding. Give this game a try

Review posted on 28/11/2017, 21:52:00.