Name | Global Total | Player |
Total blacksmiths created IH_Blacksmiths_AllTime | - | 78 |
Total conversions by your priests IH_Conversions | - | 8 |
Stat to track the progress of the "Quaking Mad" achievement IH_Earthquake_Level_ACH_Track | - | 0 |
Total earthquakes summoned IH_Earthquakes_AllTime | - | 74 |
Earthquakes summoned in a single level IH_Earthquakes_Level | - | 20 |
Total enemy killed IH_Enemy_Killed_AllTime | - | 695 |
Number of enemy furling killed in a single level IH_Enemy_Killed_Level | - | 0 |
Total farmers created IH_Farmers_AllTime | - | 108 |
Total food grown IH_Food_AllTime | - | 2 |
Food grown in a single level IH_Food_Level | - | 1 |
Total number of your furlings killed IH_Furling_Killed_AllTime | - | 176 |
Number of your furling killed in a single level IH_Furling_Killed_Level | - | 0 |
IH_Installs | 10277 | 4 |
Total iron IH_Iron_AllTime | - | 2053 |
Iron smelted in a single level IH_Iron_Level | - | 465 |
Largest army created IH_Largest_Army | - | 20 |
The_Land_Of_Plenty_LC IH_LevelCompleted_1_TLOP | 5590 | 1 |
Threat_From_The_North_LC IH_LevelCompleted_2_TFTN | 4478 | 2 |
The_Enemy_Strikes_Back_LC IH_LevelCompleted_3_TESB | 3394 | 1 |
Bring_Them_All_Down_LC IH_LevelCompleted_4_BTAD | 2634 | 1 |
From_Small_Acorns_LC IH_LevelCompleted_5_FSA | 2146 | 2 |
Destruction_Ambition_LC IH_LevelCompleted_6_DA | 1729 | 1 |
Breaking_The_Chain_LC IH_LevelCompleted_7_BTC | 1374 | 1 |
The_Final_Battle_LC IH_LevelCompleted_8_TFB | 1163 | 1 |
Stragglers_LC IH_LevelCompleted_B1_S | 789 | 1 |
Pretender_LC IH_LevelCompleted_B2_P | 573 | 0 |
Levels Completed IH_Levels_Completed | - | 8 |
Started Level 1 - The Land Of Plenty IH_LevelStarted_1_TLOP | 24114 | 3 |
Threat_From_The_North_LS IH_LevelStarted_2_TFTN | 6195 | 2 |
The_Enemy_Strikes_Back_LS IH_LevelStarted_3_TESB | 8356 | 2 |
Bring_Them_All_Down_LS IH_LevelStarted_4_BTAD | 4171 | 1 |
From_Small_Acorns_LS IH_LevelStarted_5_FSA | 6336 | 4 |
Destruction_Ambition_LS IH_LevelStarted_6_DA | 2617 | 1 |
Breaking_The_Chain_LS IH_LevelStarted_7_BTC | 2213 | 1 |
The_Final_Battle_LS IH_LevelStarted_8_TFB | 1836 | 2 |
Stragglers_LS IH_LevelStarted_B1_S | 1602 | 1 |
Pretender_LS IH_LevelStarted_B2_P | 1283 | 1 |
Paradise_Regained_LS IH_LevelStarted_B3_PR | 1219 | 0 |
Total lightning summoned IH_Lightning_AllTime | - | 96 |
Lightning summoned in a single level IH_Lightning_Level | - | 26 |
Stat to track the progress of the "Lightning Power" achievement IH_Lightning_Level_ACH_Track | - | 0 |
Stat to track the progress of the "Screaming Fireballs" achievement IH_Meteor_Level_ACH_Track | - | 0 |
Total meteors summoned IH_Meteors_AllTime | - | 5 |
Meteors summoned in a single level IH_Meteors_Level | - | 5 |
Total priests created IH_Priests_AllTime | - | 52 |
Total rain summoned IH_Rain_AllTime | - | 46 |
Rain summoned in a single level IH_Rain_Level | - | 24 |
Stat to track the progress of the "Rain God" achievement IH_Rain_Level_ACH_Track | - | 0 |
IH_Sessions | 885 | 0 |
Total soldiers created IH_Soldiers_AllTime | - | 316 |
Number of Tutorials Completed IH_Tutorials_Completed | - | 4 |
Buildings destroyed by volcano IH_Volcano_Buildings | - | 11 |
Stat to track the progress of the "Eruption Disruption" achievement IH_Volcano_Level_ACH_Track | - | 0 |
Total volcanoes summoned IH_Volcanoes_AllTime | - | 21 |
Volcanoes summoned in a single level IH_Volcanoes_Level | - | 6 |
Total wood collected IH_Wood_AllTime | - | 3130 |
Wood collected in a single level IH_Wood_Level | - | 429 |
Total woodcutters created IH_Woodcutters_AllTime | - | 109 |
Statistics last synchronized on 02/11/2017, 10:30.