Name | Global Total | Player |
Bounty quests accepted BountiesAccepted | - | 170 |
Buried treasure chests unearthed BuriedTreasureFound | - | 1 |
Captain deaths CaptainDeaths | - | 2 |
Opened chests ChestsOpened | - | 170 |
Enemies killed by captain and crew EnemiesKilled | - | 946 |
Flags placed on player ship FlagsPlaced | - | 170 |
Total amount of gold looted GoldLooted | - | 9138 |
Hobos killed HobosKilled | - | 8 |
Kabooms used KaboomsUsed | - | 1 |
Legendary pirates defeated LegendariesDefeated | - | 1 |
Legendary pirates encountered LegendariesEncountered | - | 1 |
Captured pets PetsCaptured | - | 50 |
Shipmates turned hostile due to low morale PiratesMutinied | - | 170 |
Poops taken by Horke the Flatulent PoopsByHorke | - | 170 |
Number of times set sail SailedCount | - | 170 |
Ships captured ShipsCaptured | - | 170 |
Plundered enemy ships ShipsPlundered | - | 170 |
Taverns visited TavernsVisited | - | 47 |
Wild islands visited WildIslandsVisited | - | 57 |
Statistics last synchronized on 27/05/2018, 18:11.