Name | Global Total | Player |
Experience | - | 25 |
Number of Losses Losses | - | 1 |
Games lost online Losses_Online | - | 0 |
Online Wins OnlineWins | - | 0 |
Skill Level SkillLevel | - | 3 |
Current best snooker break SnookerBestBreak | - | 29 |
Current best snooker break without aiming aid SnookerBestBreak_NoAims | - | 0 |
Number of Snooker Centuries Achieved SnookerCenturies | - | 0 |
Number of maximum 147 breaks made SnookerMaxBreaks | - | 0 |
Total Cash TotalCash | - | 2350 |
Total Shots TotalShots | - | 248 |
Total Cash Spent TotalSpent | - | 0 |
Number of wins Wins | - | 6 |
Games won without an Aiming aid Wins_NoAims | - | 0 |
Statistics last synchronized on 01/03/2019, 16:32.