Name | Global Total | Player |
2p_classic_ranked_wins | - | 0 |
2p_equipped_ranked_wins | - | 0 |
2v2p_wins | - | 0 |
3p_classic_ranked_wins | - | 0 |
3p_equipped_ranked_wins | - | 0 |
4p_classic_ranked_wins | - | 0 |
4p_equipped_ranked_wins | - | 0 |
blobbed_creatures | - | 0 |
collected_sprites | - | 0 |
disbelieved_creatures | - | 0 |
failed_hits_on_my_wizard | - | 0 |
fol_resurrections | - | 0 |
killed_undead | - | 4 |
magic_attack_kills | - | 11 |
megaspell_activations | - | 4 |
paralyzed_creatures | - | 0 |
raised_creatures | - | 2 |
realm_wins_1x | - | 0 |
realm_wins_2x | - | 0 |
realm_wins_3x | - | 0 |
How many wizards you have killed with illusionary creatures stat_bluff_master | - | 0 |
How many games you have ever lost stat_games_lost | - | 0 |
How many games you have ever won stat_games_won | - | 0 |
How many times you logged in to the game stat_times_logged_in | - | 0 |
Your current winning streak stat_win_streak | - | 0 |
stats_version | - | 2 |
subverted_creatures | - | 0 |
blah successive_mp_wins | - | 0 |
surviving_illusions | - | 2 |
talisman_activations | - | 0 |
wins_as_ally | - | 0 |
wins_as_invader | - | 0 |
wizard_kills_this_turn | - | 0 |
wizard_kills_with_sword | - | 1 |
Statistics last synchronized on 29/05/2020, 08:31.