Name | Global Total | Player |
Arenas played arenasstarted | - | 9 |
Bullets Hit bulletshit | - | 333 |
Bullets Shot bulletsshot | - | 644 |
Items Combined itemscombined | - | 0 |
Large mutants killed kill_big_mutant | - | 37 |
Blue Walkers killed kill_blue_commander | - | 0 |
Cameras destroyed kill_camera | - | 0 |
Machinegun zombies killed kill_giant_soldat | - | 0 |
Giant zombies killed kill_giant_zombie | - | 4 |
Red guards killed kill_guard | - | 0 |
Destroyers killed kill_machinegun_snake | - | 0 |
Mutants killed kill_mutant | - | 315 |
War Walkers killed kill_red_commander | - | 0 |
Scientists killed kill_scientist | - | 0 |
Sentry guns destroyed kill_sentry_gun | - | 0 |
Slow zombies killed kill_slowzombie | - | 21 |
Swarmbots destroyed kill_smallrobot | - | 0 |
Guards killed kill_soldat | - | 0 |
Squids destroyed kill_squid | - | 0 |
Welders killed kill_welder | - | 0 |
Zombies killed kill_zombie | - | 21 |
Monsters blown up monstersexploded | - | 117 |
Monsters lured into void monsterstrapped | - | 8 |
# of secrets found secretsfound | - | 1 |
Squids killed with lasers squidskilledwithlasers | - | 0 |
# of deaths timesdead | - | 16 |
# of wins timeswon | - | 0 |
Statistics last synchronized on 24/12/2019, 04:07.