Name | Global Total | Player |
Animals removed AnimalsRemoved | - | 0 |
Bankrupt | - | 0 |
Bridges at Finish BridgesAtFinish | - | 0 |
Bridges built BridgesBuilt | - | 0 |
Bridges or tunnels removed BridgesOrTunnelsRemoved | - | 0 |
Construction equipment removed ConstructionEquipmentRemoved | - | 0 |
Crash and repair one locomotive CrashAndRepair | - | 0 |
Levels | - | 0 |
Locomotives bought LocosBought | - | 0 |
Locomotives in garage LocosInGarage | - | 0 |
Locomotives repaired LocosRepaired | - | 0 |
Locomotives upgraded LocosUpgraded | - | 0 |
Upgraded locomotives at level LocosUpgradedAtLevel | - | 0 |
Paused | - | 0 |
Productions built total ProductionsBuiltTotal | - | 0 |
Simultaneously running trains SimTrains | - | 0 |
Stars | - | 0 |
Star tasks failed StarTasksFailed | - | 0 |
Track tiles TrackTiles | - | 0 |
Track tiles at finish TrackTilesAtFinish | - | 0 |
Trains blown up TrainsBlownUp | - | 0 |
Trains transported TrainsTransported | - | 0 |
Trains with one vagon in a row TrainsWithOneVagonInARow | - | 0 |
Trees removed TreesRemoved | - | 0 |
Tunnels built TunnelsBuilt | - | 0 |
Stations visited VisitedStations | - | 0 |
Wrong destination WrongDestination | - | 0 |
Statistics last synchronized on 23/06/2020, 20:09.