Name | Global Total | Player |
Animals Obtained AnimalsObtained | - | 4 |
Apples Harvested ApplesHarvested | - | 370 |
Bears Killed BearsKilled | - | 0 |
Caravans Visited CaravansVisited | - | 23 |
Caravans Visited Global CaravansVisitedGlobal | - | 0 |
Children Born Or Adopted ChildrenBornOrAdopted | - | 0 |
Children Born Or Adopted Global ChildrenBornOrAdoptedGlobal | - | 0 |
Decorations Built DecorationsBuilt | - | 32 |
Families Accepted FamiliesAccepted | - | 34 |
Families Accepted Global FamiliesAcceptedGlobal | - | 0 |
Feafs Assigned FeafsAssigned | - | 65 |
Number of Fish Catched FishFished | - | 2030 |
Horses Equipped HorsesEquipped | - | 0 |
Intelligence Report Gathered IntelligenceReportGathered | - | 0 |
Intelligence Report Gathered Global IntelligenceReportGatheredGlobal | - | 0 |
Marriages Created MarriagesCreated | - | 0 |
Marriages Created Global MarriagesCreatedGlobal | - | 0 |
Monks Initiated MonksInitiated | - | 0 |
Monks Initiated Global MonksInitiatedGlobal | - | 0 |
Murders Comitted MurdersComitted | - | 0 |
Murders Comitted Global MurdersComittedGlobal | - | 0 |
Negative Responses To Requests NegativeResponses | - | 0 |
Novices Recruited NovicesEnlisted | - | 13 |
Novices Enlisted Global NovicesEnlistedGlobal | - | 0 |
Pears Harvested PearsHarvested | - | 0 |
Positive Responses To Requests PositiveResponses | - | 0 |
Regiments Sent To War RegimentsInWar | - | 0 |
Regiments Sent To War Global RegimentsInWarGlobal | - | 0 |
Servants Enlisted ServantsEnlisted | - | 1 |
Servants Enlisted Global ServantsEnlistedGlobal | - | 0 |
Settlements Lost SettlementsLost | - | 0 |
Settlements Lost Global SettlementsLostGlobal | - | 0 |
Settlements Started SettlementsStarted | - | 0 |
Settlements Started Global SettlementsStartedGlobal | - | 0 |
Enchanted Soldiers SoldiersEnchanted | - | 0 |
Soldiers Enchanted Global SoldiersEnchantedGlobal | - | 0 |
Soldiers Recruited SoldiersRecruited | - | 0 |
Soldiers Recruited Global SoldiersRecruitedGlobal | - | 0 |
Sunday Services Hosted SundayServiceHosted | - | 1 |
Sunday Service Hosted Global SundayServiceHostedGlobal | - | 0 |
Thefts Comitted TheftsComitted | - | 0 |
Thefts Comitted Global TheftsComittedGlobal | - | 0 |
Unique Families Accepted UniqueFamiliesAccepted | - | 15 |
Version Major VersionMajor | - | 13 |
Version Minor VersionMinor | - | 65 |
Version Patch VersionPatch | - | 156 |
Villagers Died VillagersDied | - | 0 |
Villagers Died Global VillagersDiedGlobal | - | 0 |
Villagers Executed VillagersExecuted | - | 0 |
Villagers Executed Global VillagersExecutedGlobal | - | 0 |
Walls Built WallsBuilt | - | 1321 |
Fighting Skills Mastered WeaponMastery | - | 5 |
Statistics last synchronized on 07/05/2024, 00:25.