Name | Global Total | Player |
Number of Coins Collected stat_CoinsCollected | - | 5 |
Number of Consecutive Deaths stat_ConsecutiveDeaths | - | 10 |
Number of Times Player Died Per World stat_DeathsPerWorld | - | 1 |
Enemies Defeated Without Touching the Ground stat_EnemiesKilledInAir | - | 0 |
Number of Deaths stat_NumDeaths | - | 1002 |
Number of Double Jumps Per Level stat_NumDoubleJumps | - | 1 |
Number of Enemies Defeated stat_NumEnemiesDefeated | - | 300 |
stat_StartingTimeGame | - | -2147483648 |
stat_StartingTimeLevel | - | -2147483648 |
stat_StartingTimeWorld | - | -2147483648 |
Statistics last synchronized on 24/11/2017, 21:46.