Name | Global Total | Player |
Chatlines sent chatlinessent | 33181 | 0 |
Gameplay time gameplaytime | 235168418 | 2445 |
Powerups collected pickeduppowerups | 1202380 | 12 |
Played local matches playedlocalmatches | 67490 | 0 |
Played online matches playedonlinematches | 107919 | 4 |
Slapped other players playershit | 6241823 | 137 |
Ragequits ragequits | 16074 | 0 |
Secrets triggered secretstriggered | 16985 | 0 |
Coins stolen stolecoins | 1445222 | 76 |
Times jumped timesjumped | 5466115 | 62 |
Times laughed at exploding other player timeslaughedatbombkill | 874645 | 40 |
Times played with the developers timesplayedwithdevs | 787 | 0 |
Total deaths totaldeaths | 920438 | 11 |
Total "accidents" caused totalkills | 345013 | 12 |
Total points collected totalpointscollected | 34779365 | 857 |
Unique users uniqueUsers | 13505 | 1 |
Unlocked weapons unlockedweapons | 127916 | 5 |
Won online matches wononlinematches | 55949 | 1 |
Statistics last synchronized on 02/01/2019, 10:04.