Name | Global Total | Player |
Achievement - Completed the Single player Prologue ach_complete_prologue | - | 0 |
Achievement - Kill 5 units using zombie bomb ach_kill_5_units_with_tnt | - | 1 |
Achievement - Kill boss neilman on single player campaign prologue ach_kill_neilman | - | 0 |
Achievement - Convert 10 citizens in zombies ach_long_life_to_zombies | - | 1 |
Achievement - Kill an innocent with any hero ach_occupational_hazard | - | 1 |
Achievement - Complete any level without losing units ach_unharmed | - | 0 |
Achievement - Unlock level 5 - Singleplayer Campaign ach_unlock_level_5_prologue | - | 1 |
Statistics last synchronized on 03/01/2019, 07:45.