Name | Global Total | Player |
Bombs triggered bombs | 180882 | 253 |
cityAllSaved | - | 1 |
cityNotDied | - | 3 |
Amount of Stuff collected collectibles | - | 249 |
Deaths died deaths | 474018 | 542 |
factoryAllSaved | - | 1 |
factoryNotDied | - | 9 |
hairyAllSaved | - | 1 |
hairyNotDied | - | 5 |
Change of clothes integrations | 1524543 | 1879 |
Jumps jumps | 4837824 | 3203 |
Machines destroyed kills | 3603 | 1 |
levelsAllSaved | - | 10 |
levelsCompleted | - | 110 |
levelsNotDied | - | 43 |
machineAllSaved | - | 3 |
machineNotDied | - | 6 |
mixedAllSaved | - | 1 |
mixedNotDied | - | 11 |
Playtime in seconds playtime | 5613552457 | 8141140 |
Sessions played sessions | 11812 | 9 |
Steps steps | 12627661 | 16355 |
subsAllSaved | - | 3 |
subsNotDied | - | 6 |
warAllSaved | - | 0 |
warNotDied | - | 3 |
Statistics last synchronized on 13/01/2019, 22:02.