Total entries
Player score
Player rank
W1L01 - Welcome137055--
W1L02 - Sunlight Grooves133381--
W2L01 - Babylon57936--
W1L03 - Club ESJ114727--
W3L15 - Murder19246--
W1L09 - Slowdance77584--
W1L10 - Everybody Loves Me75898--
W1L11 - The Pope75563--
W1L12 - Pope2: Hyper-Pope68392--
W1L13 - Star League68224--
W1L14 - Pride63820--
W1L15 - Sudden Death63936--
W1L04 - Black and White107478--
W1L05 - Bounce Party104258--
W1L07 - Drop the Beat93102--
W2L02 - Again Please!57799--
W2L03 - Where Are The Stairs?49936--
W2L04 - They Bleed Rip-Offs49131--
W2L05 - Orange You Glad48317--
W2L06 - I Didn't Say Banana46875--
W2L07 - It Builds Character45020--
W2L08 - Laserz42278--
W2L09 - Here Ya Go!40673--
W2L10 - Evil Unicorns39827--
W2L11 - Don't Look Down39371--
W2L12 - Groove Rules38561--
W1L06 - Crushinator102840--
W1L08 - Pretty in Pink87061--
W2L13 - Beep Beep37468--
W2L14 - Big Sexy Beast33977--
W2L15 - Stepping On Tokyo31774--
W3L01 - Welcome To Hell31382--
W3L11 - Run Coward!22276--
W3L03 - I Blame Your Mother24903--
W3L13 - Grooving21379--
W3L04 - Over By Christmas24300--
W3L14 - Flap Your Brains Out!18934--
W3L05 - Frogs?!23883--
W3L06 - Hell Club23637--
W3L07 - Ice Ice Baby23557--
W3L08 - I Believe!23387--
W3L09 - I Blame My Mother23027--
W3L02 - Big, Red, and Bouncy30505--
W3L10 - I Still Love You22506--
W3L12 - The Wizard17527--
W4L01 - A Jungle Welcome3509--
W4L02 - Ol' Ball and Chain2533--
W4L03 - Emotional Mess2593--
W4L04 - The Rabbit Hole1690--
Infinite Love30767--
Infinite Love: Twitch-Tacular!---
World 1 Time32705--
World 2 Time17061--
World 3 Time9691--
World 4 Time895--
Total Time966--
W4L05 - Totally Necessary1982--
W5L02 - Don't Let Go5742--
W5L03 - Factory of Pain4298--
W5L01 - Watch Your Step2860--
World 5 Time1495--
DLC01L01 - Treacherous Footing1628--
DLC01L02 - Thin Ice1466--
DLC02L08 - An Evil Portal Mess1203--
DLC02L15 - A Big Ole Mess379--
DLC02L01 - A Pretty Awful Mess4512--
DLC02L14 - A Heartfelt Mess293--
DLC02L02 - A Fine Papal Mess3561--
DLC02L03 - A Black n' White Mess4022--
DLC02L04 - An Acidic Spikey Mess1163--
DLC02L05 - A Big Crumbling Mess1103--
DLC02L06 - A Super Giant Mess1169--
DLC02L07 - A High Flying Mess1037--
DLC02L09 - A Laser Danger Mess597--
DLC02L10 - A Sticky Icky Mess916--
DLC02L13 - A YOLO Snow Mess984--
DLC02L11 - A Big Smashy Mess862--
DLC02L12 - A Tap Dancing Mess662--

Leaderboards last synchronized on 02/01/2019, 09:31.
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